Cloan Nursery School

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Pre-Birth to Three Curriculum

Pre-Birth to Three Guidance

The Rights of the Child, Relationships, Responsive Care and Respect are the four key principles which form the basis for this guidance.

Staff Will endeavour to:

-Ensure that all children are included

-Be responsive to children’s individual care needs

-Children’s rights are safeguarded and actively promoted

-Ensuring and promoting positive relationships

-Respect all children and families

-Ensuring that they are welcomed into a safe, secure and loving environment

-Knowing and accepting children and respecting that they are unique individuals 

-Building close relationships with all children and families

-Staff are sensitive, caring, consistent, reliable, trustworthy, responsive and   affectionate to all children.

-Show genuine interest in both children and their families.

-Respecting parents’/carers knowledge of their children and learning from them about effective strategies are fundamental-

-Consult directly with children where possible and appropriate